Maurizio Gerardo
Gerardo Maurizio
Staff/Student ID number:
Research grant holder
Doctoral student
Solid Earth Geophysics
Research grant holders - Research grant holder
Doctoral student - Doctoral student
Programme Description | Position |
PHD09 - Earth science, fluid-dynamics and mathematics. Interactions and methods - Cycle XXXVII | Doctoral student - Doctoral student |
Research Project | Position | Status of Research Project |
Quota 10% borsa di dottorato 37° ciclo ESFM - PON - II-III anno | Research projects - Participant; | Active |
Quantum Space Gravimetry for monitoring Earth's Mass Transport Processes (QSG4EMT) | Research projects - Participant; | Active |
Consulenza scientifica in simulazioni del campo di gravità causato da attività tettonica e confronto con curve di errore del satellite Magic allo scopo di definirne il potere risolutivo | Research projects - Participant; | Closed |
ASI -NGGM/MAGIC, una svolta nella comprensione della dinamica della Terra | Research projects - Participant; | Active |
NGGM and MAGIC Science and Application Impact Study | Research projects - Participant; | Active |
Last update: 03-11-2025 - 21:40