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Bernardini F., De Min A., Lenaz D., Kasztovszky Z.,Turk P., Velušček A., Tuniz C., Montagnari Kokelj E. (2014) Petrographic and geochemical comparison between the Copper Age "Ljubljana type" axes and similar lithotypes from Eisenkappler Diabaszug complex (southern Austria); Journal of Archaeological Science. 41: pp 511 – 522
F. Bernardini, A. Sgambati, M. Montagnari Kokelj, C. Zaccaria, R. Micheli, A.Fragiacomo, C. Tiussi, D. Dreossi, C. Tuniz, A. De Min. (2013) Airborne LiDAR application to karstic areas: the example of Trieste province (northeastern Italy) from prehistoric sites to Roman forts. Jour. Arch. Science. 40 (4) , pp. 2152-2160
F. Bernardini, A. De Min, D. Lenaz, Z. Kasztovszky, P. Turk, A. Velušcek, V. Szilágyi, C. Tuniz And E. Montagnari Kokelj (2012). Mineralogical and chemical constraints on the provenance of copper age polished stone axes of Ljubljana type from Caput Adriae. Archaeometry in press (Article first published online : 13 DEC 2012, DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12004
Bernardini, F., De Min, A., Lenaz, D., Šída, P., Tuniz, C., Montagnari Kokelj, E. (2012). Shaft-hole axes from caput adriae made from amphibole-rich metabasites: Evidence of connections between northeastern Italy and central Europe during the fifth millennium BC. ARCHAEOMETRY 54(3), pp 427- 441.