2 posizioni PhD presso Applied Isotope Research Group, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brasile
The Applied Isotope Research Group, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil, seeks motivated applicants for two 4-year PhD positions in Isotope Geochemistry/Petrology.
The potential candidates should hold an MSc degree in Geosciences. Fluency in both written and spoken English is a prerequisite. Knowledge of Portuguese is not expected, but advantageous.
There are several projects to choose from which apply isotope geochemistry and igneous/metamorphic petrology to old Archean terrains and orogenic belts. In addition the geochemistry group is involved in development of microanalytical reference materials. For more information on projects candidates are referred to send a mail to the address given below.
The Department of Geosciences provides first-class analytical facilities and houses a JEOL JXA 8230 electron microprobe, SEMs and XRF and XRD instruments for sample characterization. The Applied Isotope Research Group hosts new state-of-the-art analytical instruments including a quadrupole ICP-MS, a PhotonMachines excimer laser system, a Thermo Scientific NeptunePlus MC-ICPMS and a Thermo Element 2 SF-ICPMS.
The positions start at January/February 2017 and are funded for 4 years.
Interested candidates should send a detailed CV with a list of publications (if any), to Prof Cristiano Lana (cristianodeclana@gmail.com).