Seminario prof. IERVOLINO - Università di Napoli Federico II - 21 marzo 2023

Ground-Motion Observations and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard: Frequently Asked Questions
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Iunio IERVOLINO from the University of Naples Federico II, and the IUSS- Scuola Superiore Universitaria di Pavia, will give a talk on "Ground-Motion Observations and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard: Frequently Asked Questions" on Tuesday 21st at 12.00  (in presence) in the Aula Magna "Marussi" Pal. C, via Weiss n.1
Please, feel free to pass the information to anyone you think might be interested.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the seminar 
Prof. Stefano Parolai


Ultimo aggiornamento: 17-03-2023 - 09:23