Seminario della Prof. Carol Stein (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
La Prof.ssa Carol Stein, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences - University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Illinois (USA) terrà un seminario dal titolo:
“North America's Midcontinent Rift: When Rift met LIP”
16/06/2016 - 11:00 – 12:00
Aula C- Palazzina O - Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze, Via Weiss 6
Aula C- Palazzina O - Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze, Via Weiss 6
Carol Stein research covers a range of topics in plate tectonics dealing with the thermal and mechanical evolution of the lithosphere. These studies use a variety of data and modeling approaches, with primary emphasis on measurements of heat flow at the sea floor. Such heat flow data, when combined with other geophysical observations, provide a valuable constraint on the time-dependent thermal structure and hence evolution of the lithosphere. Carol has studied various aspects of these processes including the reference models for the average thermal evolution of oceanic lithosphere, differences in regional subsidence, midplate swells and hotspot regions, and hydrothermal circulation in normal oceanic lithosphere. Most recent projects include the thermal state of 25 million year old oceanic crust near the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica (the "TicoFlux" project), heat flow differences on the North American and Eurasian plates near Iceland, an analysis of heat flow near subduction zones, and studying the 1.1 billion year old Mid-Continent Rift System of North America.