Professional Master Course in Data Management and Curation

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CNR – Istituto Officina dei Materiali (IOM) is looking for a student who wants to acquire skills in Open Science and FAIR principles, with a hands-on approach to data management methodologies, from research data acquisition to data analysis.

The course is addressed to:

  • Students with at least a bachelor's degree (“laurea triennale” or equivalent), in science, engineering or computer science;
  • Students still enrolled in a university master’s degree course (“laurea magistrale” or equivalent), in science, engineering or computer science.

The participant will receive a lump sum reimbursement of €15.000 for the full 9 nine-months programme. At the end of the course, she/he will discuss a FAIR-by-design thesis project and receive a certificate of attendance.

For information please contact by 25/5/24: and

Apply by 31/05/24 by following the instructions at:

Ultimo aggiornamento: 24-05-2024 - 12:49